Thursday 3 January 2013

Bees under the crab-apple trees

As a child I spent many happy hours sitting on an old stool under Grandmother's crab-apple trees speaking with the bees. I watched them through a child's inquisitive eyes as they buzzed busily round the crab-apples, not quite sure what they were doing, but knowing they were intent on doing it! I laughed with them, discussed daily life with them, cried with them, joked with them, and asked them what it was they were so intent on finding in those hard little apples. The bees buzzed their replies, and nope I didn't understand a word of it! ha ha! But there was still a communication transpiring between us. We each were different, but got along just swell. (It was right good we did too, as later in life I learned I am allergic to their sting!)

I learned Tolerance and determination from their acceptance of me intruding in their space, and the fact that they never gave up on their quest to find something in and around those little apples that Grandmother could make a fine jelly out of. I thought about the jelly and wondered if they knew the apples had to be boiled, have things added to them, the warm liquid poured into jars and then sealed with parafin wax. Was this what they were seeking under those trees, on all of those hot, sweltery days, with me chattering away to them? Somehow though, I doubted that.

Later someone took the time to explain to me what was really happening and so it removed the mystery, but added a new dimension as well. Nature and the creatures in Her beautiful abode have their own processes, and their own ways of being, doing and collecting.

I have always been different. I have always been drawn to the unknown and the Occult. Each process, especially the bees under those lovely, green leaved, red ladened crab-appled trees, created a life-long thirst for knowledge and understanding. Then the wisdom to apply it. I can see my entire life reflected in their persistent, gentle humming efforts.

Bees are synonymous with the Goddess, with secret knowledge and second sight. They are defenders of their own. They are virtuous and industrious in their work. I can see throughout my life the Mother Goddess has been with me-(not just God). The hand of Her influence has been leading and guiding me through it all, every day of my life and in each lesson given and learned. I realized this when I had finally obtained sufficient Occult knowledge and underwent a myriad of life experiences.

Perhaps the bees were whispering their secrets to me after all...

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